Packing Lunch for Toddlers
When packing lunch, you might wonder, "How much food does my toddler need?" Many parents (including myself!) tend to overpack lunches for our littles. We just want to make sure they feel full and have plenty of options. Toddlers are so cued into their hunger because they live in the moment, and they eat to satiety. Some days they are ravenous and others, well… it seems as if they are content to live on air!
Tips for packing lunch
At Clover Montessori School, we will always provide toddlers with whole cow’s milk at lunchtime. (In compliance with DHS requirements, children are served 1% milk in Children's House.)
Pack a variety of items (protein, whole grain, fruit, vegetable) but not several items from the same food group. This encourages your child to try bites of each item and not fill up on a particular group.
Pack familiar foods. Introduce new foods at home so you can observe your child’s preferences and to what size the food may need to be cut.
Most schools, including Clover, are nut-free. Thankfully there are nut butter alternatives such as Sunbutter or granola butter.
It may take up to 20 times of being introduced to a new food for your child to try it! Start small: one carrot, one broccoli floret… a small portion is less overwhelming.
Try always packing at least one item your child really enjoys.
Including your toddler in the activity of grocery shopping and packing their lunch is fun for your child--they love to help and contribute in this way!